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Joel Harrison - The Great Mirage '2023

The Great Mirage
ArtistJoel Harrison Related artists
Album name The Great Mirage
Date 2023
Play time 50 min
Format / BitrateFLAC Stereo 842 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Media CD
Size 305.54 Mb
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  • Quality
  • CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
1. A two guitar collaboration between and Anthony Pirog
2. Pirog and Harrison tend to finish each other sentences when they play. Twenty five years separate them in age, and yet they seem to have common ancestry. Both are from Wash. D.C., both love jazz, rock, fusion, avant garde, folk, funk, and country music, and both often do all of it all at once
3. On The Great Mirage each composed and arranged music for the session, the music caterwauls between heavy and light, really loud and really soft, gorgeous, spiky, grooving and free. The record reaches towards a 21st century essay in what the guitar can do. The band’s sense of joy and adventure is palpable as they extend their range and reach deep into American guitar history and future
4. The rhythm section adds a tremendous amount to the pieces. Allison Miller, herself a D.C. kid, wallops and caresses the drums with authority and finesse. Crump, who is better known for his upright playing, grooves like a modern day Jamerson, and then puts a delicate bow around a lyrical series of modern jazz chord changes
5. Harrison’s “There’s Never Enough Time” and “I’ll See You in the Shining World lean towards pathos.” But then moments of thunder, Pirog’s “It Slipped Through My Fingers, his arrangement of Keith Jarret’s “Mortgage on My Soul.” There’s the windswept ballad “Desert Solitaire,” and the final track where two Les Pauls light up a Neil Young-style groove penned by Harrison called “Buffalo Heart.” The CD takes its name from the first tune, The Great Mirage, a Paul Motian-inspired number which Harrison wrote in a flash after reading a book on Tibetan Dream Yoga
6. For guitar fans, modern jazz lovers, and rockers alike, this release takes you on a circuitous, thrilling journey
7. and Anthony Pirog: guitars
8. Stephan Crump: bass
9. Allison Miller: drums
10. Bruce Katz: Hammond B-3 on track 10
11. 1.01 - , Anthony Pirog - The Great Mirage
12. 1.02 - , Anthony Pirog - Critical Conversation
13. 1.03 - , Anthony Pirog - There's Never Enough Time
14. 1.04 - , Anthony Pirog - Mortgage On My Soul
15. 1.05 - , Anthony Pirog - Desert Solitaire
16. 1.06 - , Anthony Pirog - It Slipped Through My Fingers
17. 1.07 - , Anthony Pirog - Last Rose of Summer
18. 1.08 - , Anthony Pirog - I'll See You in the Shining World
19. 1.09 - , Anthony Pirog - East Hurley
20. 1.10 - , Anthony Pirog - Clarksdale
21. 1.11 - , Anthony Pirog - Buffalo Heart

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