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Bessie Smith - 1929-1933 '1997

ArtistBessie Smith Related artists
Album name 1929-1933
Date 1997
GenreFemale Blues
Play time 01:16:12
Format / BitrateFLAC Stereo 310 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Media CD
Size 171.96 Mb
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  • Quality
  • CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
1. These 24 tracks represent the last phase of 's recording career. Over the course of ten years and 160 great songs, Smith had without a doubt earned her place as the Empress of the Blues. Unfortunately, until her passing in 1937, she spent most of her time on the show circuit. For fans hungry for a healthy dose of her legacy, though, generous discs such as this provide a chance to revel in the classic female blues singing queen's lusty power. As usual, Smith is helped out by the day's jazz royalty. Featured over the course of the cuts here -- many penned by both Smith and pianist Clarence Williams -- are such top soloists as Benny Goodman, Chu Berry, James P. Johnson, and Frankie Newton. Of course, Smith grabs most of the attention, especially on definitive sides like "Gimme a Pigfoot" and "Black Mountain Blues," not to mention the ribald gem "Need a Little Sugar in My Bowl." And as far as sound quality goes, this and many other of the discs in the Classics chronological series provide a viable alternative to Columbia's celebrated Complete Recordings line
2. Tracks:
3. 01. Wasted Life Blues
4. 02. Dirty No-Gooder's Blues
5. 03. Blue Spirit Blues
6. 04. Worn Out Papa Blues
7. 05. You Don't Understand
8. 06. Don't Cry Baby
9. 07. Keep It to Yourself
10. 08. New Orleans Hop Scop Blues
11. 09. See If I'll Care
12. 10. Baby Have Pity on Me
13. 11. On Revival Day
14. 12. Moan, You Mourners
15. 13. Hustlin' Dan
16. 14. Black Mountain Blues
17. 15. In the House Blues
18. 16. Long Old Road
19. 17. Blue Blue
20. 18. Shipwreck Blues
21. 19. Need a Little Sugar in My Bowl
22. 20. Safety Mama
23. 21. Do Your Duty
24. 22. Gimme a Pigfoot
25. 23. Take Me for a Buggy Ride
26. 24. I'm Down in the Dumps

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