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Machito - Afro-Cubans in New York '2021

Afro-Cubans in New York
ArtistMachito Related artists
Album name Afro-Cubans in New York
Date 2021
Play time 32 min
Format / BitrateFLAC Stereo 556 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Media CD
Size 128.13 Mb
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  • Quality
  • CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
1. First Naked Lunch release dedicated to the Afro-Cuban golden age. was a seminal figure in the New York Afro-Cuban scene of the post-World War II era, vastly responsible to deliver this new genre of music to happy-feet crowds populating the ballrooms of the time -- in fact essentially creating the so-called Cubpop and contributing to the large adoption of Salsa as a new kind of dance for the American audience. An unmissable collection for the lovers of the truly vintage Afro Cuban sound
2. Tracklist:
3. 1.01 - - Guaglione
4. 1.02 - - Cocktails for Two
5. 1.03 - - Patricia
6. 1.04 - - El Aji Caribe
7. 1.05 - - Me Lo Dijo Adela
8. 1.06 - - Mambo La Concord
9. 1.07 - - The Continental
10. 1.08 - - Torero
11. 1.09 - - Estacy
12. 1.10 - - Cha-Cha-Cha Loco
13. 1.11 - - Rico Vacilon - Cha-Cha
14. 1.12 - - Cotillion Mambo

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