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  • Quality
  • CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
1. Trotto - Saltarello
2. Lamento di Tristano - La Rotta - Saltarello
3. Veri floris - Triple Ballade
4. Bransle Gay - Bransle de Bourgogne
5. Alman - Melancholy Galliard
6. Sarabande
7. The Lady and the Unicorn
8. My Johnny Was a Shoemaker - Westron Wynde - Scarborough Fair
9. The Group - My Johnny Was a Shoemaker
10. Pentangle - Three Dances Medley: Brentzel Gay - La Rotta - The Earle of Salisbury

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