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Piers Faccini - No Ones Here '2016

No Ones Here
ArtistPiers Faccini Related artists
Album name No Ones Here
Date 2016
GenreNew Age
Play time 00:30:10
Format / BitrateFLAC Stereo 576 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Media CD
Size 124.61 Mb
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  • Quality
  • CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
1. No One’s Here is a collection of poems on the theme of identity and the self. I’ve always had a passion for mystic poetry and my bookshelves at home are full of texts on Zen and Chan, Buddhist and Hindu poetry and the writings of Sufi mystics. I discovered the Persian 13th century poets Rumi and Hafez in my mid twenties and delving into their achingly profound poetry, inspired me to attempt to use the poem as a means of observing and analyzing the way I live my life
2. The poems in the book are simply, thoughts laid out in a poetic form. The words are the records of a kind of internal observation, one that can quietly uncover and reveal home truths
3. To accompany the poems in the book, I decided to write and record a series of instrumental and vocal pieces that would mirror the meditative quality of the poems. A series of 9 ambient instrumental pieces to accompany the poems in the book. I wanted to imagine that before reading the poems, the reader could put on the cd to create a mood in which the reading of the poems would be more intense
4. Tracklist:
5. 1-1. No One's Here I
6. 1-2. No One's Here II
7. 1-3. No One's Here III
8. 1-4. No One's Here IV
9. 1-5. No One's Here V
10. 1-6. No One's Here VI
11. 1-7. No One's Here VII
12. 1-8. No One's Here VIII
13. 1-9. No One's Here IX

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Piers Faccini
