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Pete Seeger - Pete Remembers Woody '2012

Pete Remembers Woody
ArtistPete Seeger Related artists
Album name Pete Remembers Woody
Date 2012
Play time 01:51:35
Format / BitrateFLAC Stereo 723 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Media CD
Size 578.39 Mb
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  • Quality
  • CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
1. This set is exactly what the title says it is -- remembering his friend and sometimes musical collaborator Woody Guthrie. What it isn't is a collection of singing Woody Guthrie songs, although there are a few performances of Seeger doing that here -- one also gets Arlo Guthrie and others presenting Woody Guthrie songs. Seeger's main role in this release is to reminisce, which he does. Now 93 years of age, the 21-year-old Seeger met Guthrie at a benefit concert in 1940 when Guthrie was 27 and, falling under the spell of Guthrie's songs, music, and charisma, Seeger began traveling and playing music with him, most notably in the Almanac Singers . Seeger talks about what it was like to travel with Guthrie and the genesis of songs like "This Land Is Your Land," "New York Town," and "Do Re Mi." In the second half of this set, Seeger talks about Guthrie's legacy, the folk boom he godfathered, and his influence on Seeger's own journeys and struggles. Versions of Guthrie's songs are scattered through these remembrances, giving them added grace and lift. Guthrie himself makes an appearance, and is heard playing and singing "New York Town" with Cisco Houston on a recording the two made in 1940. There really isn't anything new in this package, but the way it's fit together, arranged, and sequenced makes it more than just an archival sort of release. Seeger has his own legacy, and to hear him talk about his friend and mentor is worth the price of admission, and with the songs laced all through the story, it becomes an even bigger story, one that is still unfolding in influence a decade or more into the 21st century
2. Tracklist:
3. 1 01. David Bernz - Woody's Ghost - Part 1
4. 1 02. Pete Meets Woody
5. 1 03. Are There Any Mountains Near Here?
6. 1 04. Woody Writes "This Land is Your Land"
7. 1 05. America Learns "This Land is Your Land"
8. 1 06. My Big Education
9. 1 07. 66 Highway Blues
10. 1 08. How to Sing in Saloons
11. 1 09. Riding the Freights
12. 1 10. Rambling the Appalachians
13. 1 11. Work o' the Weavers - Which Side Are You On?
14. 1 12. You'd Better Get Them Singing
15. 1 13. Vanaver Caravan - Union Maid
16. 1 14. Songs Woody Liked
17. 1 15. Woody Guthrie - New York Town
18. 1 16. Reading and Writing
19. 1 17. The Minstrel Song
20. 1 18. On the Radio, Tom Mooney and Will Geer
21. 1 19. Vanaver Caravan - Do Re Mi
22. 1 20. Woody Sez
23. 1 21. Why Do You Stand There in the Rain?
24. 1 22. The Flip-Flop
25. 1 23. The Almanacs Go West
26. 1 24. Almanac Singers - The Sinking of the Reuben James
27. 1 25. The Folk Process
28. 1 26. Work o' the Weavers - Woody Trilogy: Hard Travelin', This Train, There's a Better World a-Coming
29. 1 27. Fighting Fascism Starts Right Here
30. 1 28. Work o' the Weavers - If I Had a Hammer
31. 2 29. David Bernz - Woody's Ghost - Part 2
32. 2 30. From WWII to The Weavers
33. 2 31. Just Make It a General Song
34. 2 32. Work o' the Weavers - So Long It's Been Good to Know Yuh!
35. 2 33. The Last Time I Heard Woody Sing
36. 2 34. Bill Vanaver - Pastures of Plenty
37. 2 35. The Freest Place on Earth
38. 2 36. This Machine Kills Fascists
39. 2 37. Little Arlo Writes Things Down
40. 2 38. Woody in the Balcony
41. 2 39. Work o' the Weavers - This Land is Your Land
42. 2 40. The Last Visit
43. 2 41. Work o' the Weavers - My Peace
44. 2 42. Woody Lives On
45. 2 43. Fred Gillen Jr. I Ain't Got No Home
46. 2 44. Cathy Fink - Howdy Little Newlycome
47. 2 45. Amy Fradon - Peace Pin Boogie
48. 2 46. David Bernz - Woody's "Rulin's"
49. 2 47. Steve Kirkman - I've Got to Know
50. 2 48. David Bernz - Woody's Ghost - Part 3

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