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Susanna - Jeg vil hjem til menneskene - demoer '2021

Jeg vil hjem til menneskene - demoer
ArtistSusanna Related artists
Album name Jeg vil hjem til menneskene - demoer
Date 2021
Play time 00:45:10
Format / Bitrate 24 BIT FLAC Stereo 1245 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
Media CD
Size 401.89 Mb
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  • Quality
  • CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
1. Originally a rare but typically enchanting away day for from her usual labels, ‘Jeg vil hjem til menneskene - demoer’ was issued in 2011 by the Grappa label, now reissued by herself with extra songs
2. Originally arriving at an early crest of her powers, the album depicts at her most stripped back, occupying the piano stool and singing in her living room at Bygdøy, an island next to Oslo where she lived at the time, and also her rehearsal space in Teglverksgata, with accompaniment on one song by Ståle Storløkken ov Supersilent esteem. The recording revolves around ’s reading of modernist Norwegian poet Gunvor Hofmo, wreathed in solo piano, Rhodes and her godly vocals at their most forlorn and captivating
3. Unavailable to ears online since 2018, the recordings follow one of ’s most prolific periods with a return to what first caught our ears circa her ECM record with Giovanna Pessi, ‘If Grief Could Wait’. Modest in the folksy sense that has always informed her work, but with a classical poise, it’s at her purest, locating strength in vulnerability and Hofmo’s poetry, itself inspired by experiences of being raised in a working class, socialist, anti-nazi family during WWII and in a lesbian relationship with Ruth Maier, who was deported and murdered during the Holocaust at Auschwitz
4. Hofmo would later become one of the first Norwegians in an openly lesbian relationship, travelled extensively, and, ultimately, spent 16 years institutionalised with mental health issues. Although we can’t translate the Norwegian lyrics, patently reflects the pathos of her subject that endures thru these starkly beautiful recordings
5. Tracklist:
6. 1 01. Ensomhet II
7. 1 02. Døden er ikke til!
8. 1 03. Er jeg?
9. 1 04. Til stillheten
10. 1 05. Kjenner du ditt hjerte
11. 1 06. Nattens veier
12. 1 07. I en mørk natt
13. 1 08. Det skjer
14. 1 09. Rop ikke etter ilden
15. 1 10. Hva fanger natten
16. 1 11. Jeg vil hjem
17. 1 12. Vinterkveld
18. 1 13. Skogene vil komme
19. 1 14. Det er ingen hverdag mer
20. 1 15. Forventning

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