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Jo Jones - The Drums, Le cours demonstratif sur la batterie jazz (The Historic and Legendary Jazz Drumming Sessions) '1974

The Drums, Le cours demonstratif sur la batterie jazz (The Historic and Legendary Jazz Drumming Sessions)
ArtistJo Jones Related artists
Album name The Drums, Le cours demonstratif sur la batterie jazz (The Historic and Legendary Jazz Drumming Sessions)
Date 1974
Play time 01:50:35
Format / BitrateFLAC Stereo 677 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Media CD
Size 527.99 Mb
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Play List

  • Quality
  • CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
1. Warm Up Solo
2. Basics-Gadgets-Effects
3. Rudiments Drum Roll-Flams-Single Stroke
4. Rim Shots - Tom Tom
5. Home Practis
6. Two Beat, Four Beat, Three Beat
7. Drum Solo No. 1
8. Accompaniment
9. Latin Rhythms
10. Rock'n'Roll Rhythms
11. Making Changes
12. Drum Solo No. 3
13. Colours
14. Drum Solo No. 2
15. Drummers I Met
16. Baby Dodds
17. Josh
18. Unnamed Drumer From Saint-Louis
19. Alvin Burrough
20. A.G. Godley
21. Gene Krupa
22. Big Sid Catlett
23. Unnamed And Unplaced Drummer
24. Walter Johnson
25. Sonny Greer
26. Billy Gladstone
27. Manzie Campbell
28. Chick Webb
29. Baby Lovett
30. Personal Contribution
31. Dancers I Met
32. Pete Nugent
33. Eddie Rector
34. Baby Laurence
35. Bill

Archive content

Jo Jones
