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Idlewild - Blarney Pilgrim '1997

Blarney Pilgrim
ArtistIdlewild Related artists
Album name Blarney Pilgrim
Date 1997
Play time 01:09:57
Format / BitrateFLAC Stereo 735 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Media CD
Size 365.70 Mb
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Play List

  • Quality
  • CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
1. The Blarney Pilgrim
2. Abergeny
3. Pity the Poor Laborers
4. Merrily kiss the Quaker's wife
5. The Hookspace Waltz
6. The Star of the County Down
7. The Echoes of Killarney
8. Ductia
9. Cottilon de Ancien
10. Down by the Sally Gardens
11. The Rakes of Mallow
12. The Lakes of Ponchartrain
13. The Killarney Boys of Pleasure
14. Botany Bay
15. Innishear
16. Cobbler's Jig
17. Ta mo chleamnas deanta
18. Hungarian Dance
19. Hindeg
20. The Black Velvet Band
21. The Barrack Hill Jig
22. Bulbous
23. Thugamar fien an Samraidh linn
24. All the way to Barna
25. Rosin the Beau
26. Follow me down to Carlow
27. Erddigan Y Droell
28. Molly on the Banks of the Ban
29. Mari's Wedding
30. Our Ship did Sail
31. Trugnala Rumjana
32. Les Bouffons
33. The Rakes of Kildare

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