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Hans Ulrik - The Adventures of a Polar Expedition '2010

The Adventures of a Polar Expedition
ArtistHans Ulrik Related artists
Album name The Adventures of a Polar Expedition
Date 2010
Play time 58:15
Format / BitrateFLAC Stereo 581 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Media CD
Size 357.80 Mb
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Play List

  • Quality
  • CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
1. Time and Ice Suite: Nothing but Ice
2. Time and Ice Suite: Time Piece
3. Time and Ice Suite: The Great Sled Journey
4. The Rise and Fall of the Andree Balloon Expedition 1897: The Balloon Launch
5. The Rise and Fall of the Andree Balloon Expedition 1897: Floundering on the Pack Ice
6. The Rise and Fall of the Andree Balloon Expedition 1897: Struggling Homewards, in Good Spirits
7. The Rise and Fall of the Andree Balloon Expedition 1897: Kvitoya, the Final Destination
8. The Rise and Fall of the Andree Balloon Expedition 1897: Hallucinating Optimism, yet realizing the end
9. The Magnificent Journeys of Nansen and Amundsen: Quietness before Departure
10. The Magnificent Journeys of Nansen and Amundsen: The Legend of Fram
11. The Magnificent Journeys of Nansen and Amundsen: Destination Home
12. Friendship Suite: Farewell My Heart, My House
13. Friendship Suite: Friendship
14. Friendship Suite: The Great Open

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Hans Ulrik
