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Danny Elfman - Batman '1989

ArtistDanny Elfman Related artists
Album name Batman
Date 1989
Play time 00:00:00
Format / BitrateFLAC Stereo 0 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Media CD
Size 260.60 Mb
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Play List

  • Quality
  • CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
1. The Batman Theme
2. Roof Fight
3. First Confrontation
4. Kitchen, Surgery, Face-Off
5. Flowers
6. Clown Attack
7. Batman to the Rescue
8. Roasted Dude
9. Beautiful Dreamer
10. Descent into Mistery
11. The Bat Cave
12. The Joker's Poem
13. Childhood Remembered
14. Love Theme
15. Charge of the Batmobile
16. Attack of the Batwing
17. Up to the Cathedral
18. Waltz to the Death
19. The Final Confrontation
20. Finale
21. Batman Theme Reprise
22. The Batman Theme
23. Roof Fight
24. First Confrontation
25. Kitchen, Surgery, Face-Off
26. Flowers
27. Clown Attack
28. Batman to the Rescue
29. Roasted Dude
30. Beautiful Dreamer
31. Descent into Mistery
32. The Bat Cave
33. The Joker's Poem
34. Childhood Remembered
35. Love Theme
36. Charge of the Batmobile
37. Attack of the Batwing
38. Up to the Cathedral
39. Waltz to the Death
40. The Final Confrontation
41. Finale
42. Batman Theme Reprise

Archive content

Danny Elfman

