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Isis - Daymare Recordings [Japan, DYMC-177] '2012

Daymare Recordings [Japan, DYMC-177]
ArtistIsis Related artists
Album name Daymare Recordings [Japan, DYMC-177]
Date 2012
GenrePost Metal
Play time 04:24:13
Format / BitrateFLAC Stereo 907 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Media CD
Size 2117.80 Mb
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Play List

  • Quality
  • CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
CD 1
1. Streetcleaner
2. Hand of Doom
3. Not in Rivers, But in Drops (Melvins / Lustmord Remix)
4. Holy Tears (Thomas Dimuzio Remix)
5. Temporal
6. Way Through Woven Branches
7. Pliable Foe
8. 20 Minutes / 40 Years (Acoustic Version)
CD 2
1. Streetcleaner
2. Hand of Doom
3. Not in Rivers, But in Drops (Melvins / Lustmord Remix)
4. Holy Tears (Thomas Dimuzio Remix)
5. Temporal
6. Way Through Woven Branches
7. Pliable Foe
8. 20 Minutes / 40 Years (Acoustic Version)
CD 3
1. Threshold Of Transformation (demo)
2. Ghost Key (alternate demo)
3. Wills Dissolve (alternate demo)
4. Carry (demo)
5. False Light (demo)
6. Grey Divide (demo)
CD 4
1. Threshold Of Transformation (demo)
2. Ghost Key (alternate demo)
3. Wills Dissolve (alternate demo)
4. Carry (demo)
5. False Light (demo)
6. Grey Divide (demo)
CD 5
1. From Sinking (Demo)
2. Syndic Calls (Demo)
3. In Fiction (Demo)
4. 20 Minutes / 40 Years (Demo)
5. Hall Of The Dead (Demo)
CD 6
1. Threshold Of Transformation (demo)
2. Ghost Key (alternate demo)
3. Wills Dissolve (alternate demo)
4. Carry (demo)
5. False Light (demo)
6. Grey Divide (demo)
CD 7
1. From Sinking (Demo)
2. Syndic Calls (Demo)
3. In Fiction (Demo)
4. 20 Minutes / 40 Years (Demo)
5. Hall Of The Dead (Demo)
CD 8
1. Threshold Of Transformation (demo)
2. Ghost Key (alternate demo)
3. Wills Dissolve (alternate demo)
4. Carry (demo)
5. False Light (demo)
6. Grey Divide (demo)
CD 9
1. Streetcleaner
2. Hand of Doom
3. Not in Rivers, But in Drops (Melvins / Lustmord Remix)
4. Holy Tears (Thomas Dimuzio Remix)
5. Temporal
6. Way Through Woven Branches
7. Pliable Foe
8. 20 Minutes / 40 Years (Acoustic Version)
CD 10
1. Streetcleaner
2. Hand of Doom
3. Not in Rivers, But in Drops (Melvins / Lustmord Remix)
4. Holy Tears (Thomas Dimuzio Remix)
5. Temporal
6. Way Through Woven Branches
7. Pliable Foe
8. 20 Minutes / 40 Years (Acoustic Version)

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