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Guernica - Denriso Kara No Manazashi [30CH-372] '1989

Denriso Kara No Manazashi [30CH-372]
ArtistGuernica Related artists
Album name Denriso Kara No Manazashi [30CH-372]
Date 1989
Play time 00:39:50
Format / BitrateFLAC Stereo 783 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Media CD
Size 207.87 Mb
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Play List

  • Quality
  • CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
1. ゲルニカ - 電離層からの眼指し
2. Third and final album by , released 1989.03.05
3. Genre: Japanese, Experimental, Avantgarde
4. Gyro-Top
5. Fкte Fleurissante
6. Йtant nonchalant а la Rue
7. The Undersea Tunnel
8. On the Rainy Afternoon
9. The Bells of Anna Purna
10. Les Mollusques de Bronze
11. Come Away Death
12. Belagerungszustand
13. Landscape of Dreams
14. Landmark
15. Tracklist:
16. 1. 地球ゴマ
17. 2. 百華の宴
18. 3. ノンシャランに街角で
19. 4. 海底トンネル
20. 5. 或る雨の午后
21. 6. アンナプルナの鐘
22. 7. 青銅の軟体
23. 8. 来たれ死よ
24. 9. 戒厳令
25. 10. 夢の端々
26. 11. 陸標

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