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Aphrodite's Child - End Of The World / It's Five O'clock '1969

End Of The World /  It's Five O'clock
ArtistAphrodite's Child Related artists
Album name End Of The World / It's Five O'clock
Date 1969
Play time 02:38:08
Format / BitrateFLAC Stereo 900 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Media CD
Size 1035.55 Mb
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Play List

  • Quality
  • CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
1. End of the world
2. Don't cry to catch a river
3. Mister Thomas
4. Rain and tears
5. The grass is no green
6. Valley of sadness
7. You always stand in my way
8. The shepherd and the Moon
9. day of the fool
10. It's five o'clock
11. Wake up
12. Take your time
13. Annabella
14. Let me love, let me live
15. Funky Mary
16. Good time so fine
17. Marie Jolie
18. Such a funny night
19. Bonus: I want to live
20. Bonus: Spring, summer, winter and fall
21. The System
22. Babylon
23. Loud, Loud, Loud
24. The Four Horsemen
25. The Lamb
26. The Seventh Seal
27. Aegian Sea
28. Seven Bowls
29. The Wakening Beast
30. Lament
31. The Marching Beast
32. The Battle of the Locusts
33. Do It
34. Tribulation
35. The Beast
36. Ofis
37. Seven Trumpets
38. Altamont
39. The Wedding of the Lamb
40. The Capture of the Beast
41. Infinity
42. Hic and Nunc
43. All the Seats Were Occupied
44. Break

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