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Judge Smith - Orfeas '2011

ArtistJudge Smith Related artists
Album name Orfeas
Date 2011
Play time 01:17:40
Format / BitrateFLAC Stereo 935 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Media CD
Size 519.88 Mb
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Play List

  • Quality
  • CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
1. The Bard - One
2. Rundown Rudi
3. Soliloquy - One
4. Seven Yard Promenade
5. Interview - One
6. Orphic Lullaby
7. Soliloquy - Two
8. Wolfman George
9. Soliloquy - Three
10. The Bard - Two
11. Soliloquy - Four
12. In-Flight Movie - One
13. Orfeas and Eurydice - One
14. In-Flight Movie - Two
15. In Hell - One
16. Carpet of Bones
17. In Hell - Two
18. In-Flight Movie - Three
19. Orfeas and Eurydice - Two
20. The Crab Nebula
21. Orfeas and Eurydice - Three
22. Orfeas' Audition
23. Don't Look Back
24. In-Flight Movie - Four
25. Interview - Two
26. Soliloquy - Five
27. Don't Deafen Me, Persephone
28. The Bard - Three
29. Soliloquy - Six
30. Catastrophe in Czecho
31. An Announcement
32. Tear Him Asunder

Archive content

Judge Smith
