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Daryle Singletary - Live At Pleasure Island 97 '2020

Live At Pleasure Island 97
ArtistDaryle Singletary Related artists
Album name Live At Pleasure Island 97
Date 2020
Play time 29:19
Format / Bitrate Stereo 1420 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Media CD
Size 191 MB
PriceDownload $1.95
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Tracks list

 1. Liar, Liar, My Hearts On Fire (Live At Pleasure Island, Florida, 1997)
 2. Ordinary Heroes (Live At Pleasure Island, Florida, 1997) (3:31)
 3. Thats Where Youre Wrong (Live At Pleasure Island, Florida, 1997) (3:38)
 4. Im Living Up To Her Low Expectations (Live At Pleasure Island, Florida,
1997) (2:57)
 5. Amen Kind Of Love (Live At Pleasure Island, Florida, 1997) (3:30)
 6. I Let Her Lie (Live At Pleasure Island, Florida, 1997) (3:57)
 7. The Note (Live At Pleasure Island, Florida, 1997) (3:44)
 8. Aint It The Truth (Live At Pleasure Island, Florida, 1997) (4:37)

Daryle Singletary
