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John D. Loudermilk - Suburban Attitudes In Country Verse '1967

Suburban Attitudes In Country Verse
ArtistJohn D. Loudermilk Related artists
Album name Suburban Attitudes In Country Verse
Date 1967
Play time 00:29:48
Format / Bitrate 24 BIT Stereo 5375 Kbps / 192 kHz
Media WEB
Size 162; MB; 1.1 GB
PriceDownload $9.95
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Tracks list

Although his music isnt exactly weird, John D. Loudermilk was one of the
weirdest figures of early rock & roll. Much more famous as a songwriter than a
performer (although he made plenty of records), his material was incredibly
erratic. He could range from the most mindless, sappy pop to a hard-bitten,
bluesy tune that rang with as much authentic grit as a Mississippi Delta blues

 01. John D. Loudermilk - Bahama Mama (02:14)
 02. John D. Loudermilk - What Is It (02:40)
 03. John D. Loudermilk - Then You Can Tell Me Goodbye (02:27)
 04. John D. Loudermilk - Bubble, Please Break (02:21)
 05. John D. Loudermilk - The Wind Knows The Truth (02:21)
 06. John D. Loudermilk - Joey Stays With Me (01:55)
 07. John D. Loudermilk - Youre Up To Your Old Tricks Again (02:09)
 08. John D. Loudermilk - Youre Taking My Bag (01:53)
 09. John D. Loudermilk - Its My Time (02:42)
 10. John D. Loudermilk - Theyre Tearing Away The Old Place (02:28)
 11. John D. Loudermilk - Do You (02:59)
 12. John D. Loudermilk - I Chose You (03:35)

John D. Loudermilk
