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Ennio Morricone - En mai fais ce quil te plaît (Bande originale du film) '2015

En mai fais ce quil te plaît (Bande originale du film)
ArtistEnnio Morricone Related artists
Album name En mai fais ce quil te plaît (Bande originale du film)
Date 2015
Play time 44:16 min
Format / Bitrate 24 BIT Stereo 1420 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
Media CD
Size 244; 446 MB
PriceDownload $3.95
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Quartet Records is very proud to present the first new score by Maestro Ennio
Morricone since Giussepe Tornatore’s La Megliore Offerta (The Best Offer)
(2013). Returning to French cinema after an absence of 35 years, Morricone has
collaborated with director Christian Carrion (Une hirondelle a fait le
printemps, Joyeux Noel) on an emotional film about the invasion of France by
German troops in 1940, and the people of a small town fleeing from the barbaric
Nazis. Ennio Morricone has written a moving, beautiful, deeply melancholic and
nostalgic symphonic poem. The music takes us back to the sound of his best epic
scores, such as A Time of Destiny, Casualties of War, Il Deserto Dei Tartari or
Baaria. Played by the Roma Sinfonietta under the baton of the composer, this is
certainly a great milestone and one of the most highly anticipated works of the

01 - En mai
02 - L’étau se resserre
03 - Ils resteront trois
04 - Traverser la guerre
05 - Tout laisser
06 - Ils arrivent
07 - Respirations
08 - Tous ensemble
09 - Et même les animaux sont avec eux
10 - A la recherche de la paix

Ennio Morricone



