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Linekraft - Silence '2020

ArtistLinekraft Related artists
Album name Silence
Date 2020
Play time 1:28:58
Format / Bitrate Stereo 1420 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Media CD
Size 204 mb / 502 mb
PriceDownload $4.95
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Tracks list


Disc 1 (42:23)
1. Silence (05:19)
2. Death By Technology (06:01)
3. Mortal Obsequious Panhandler (06:33)
4. Bloodless Sufferer (05:13)
5. In The Cage (03:53)
6. Circle Of Mayhem (09:51)
7. Knell (05:33)

Disc 2 (46:34)
1. Iwatsuki (05:57)
2. Katawa (04:38)
3. Ultima Thule (06:31)
4. Fill To Capacity (03:52)
5. Am 20000V (15:06)
6. Marginal Area Factory (05:00)
7. Nuovo Secolo Industriale (05:30)

Track 1-1 previously unreleased.
Tracks 1-2 to 1-7 originally released as From The Days Of Slavery cassette (Old
Europa Cafe, 2019).
Tracks 2-1 to 2-6 originally released as Iwatsuki cassette (Old Europa Cafe,
Track 2-7 originally released on Kikai Chudoku cassette (Three Plugs, 2016).

All tracks recorded at chaos state, 2016 August - 2019 November.
Track 2-5 recorded live at 20000V, 6th Nov. 2016.

6-panel Digipak in limited edition of 300 copies.

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