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Clifford Brown - The Complete Paris Sessions Vol.1 '2004

The Complete Paris Sessions Vol.1
ArtistClifford Brown Related artists
Album name The Complete Paris Sessions Vol.1
Date 2004
Play time 00:53:17
Format / Bitrate Stereo 1420 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Media CD
Size 123 mb | 291 mb
PriceDownload $2.95
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Tracks list


1. Gigi Gryce And His Orchestra - Brown Skins (Alternate Take) 
2. Gigi Gryce And His Orchestra - Brown Skins (Master Take) 
3. Gigi Gryce And His Orchestra - Deltitnu 
4. Gigi Gryce And His Orchestra - Keeping Up With Jonesy (Master take) 
5. Gigi Gryce And His Orchestra - Keeping Up With Jonesy (Alternate take) 
6. Gigi Gryce - Clifford Brown Sextet - Conception (Master take) 
7. Gigi Gryce - Clifford Brown Sextet - Conception (Alternate take) 
8. Gigi Gryce - Clifford Brown Sextet - All the Things You Are (Master Take) 
9. Gigi Gryce - Clifford Brown Sextet - All the Things You Are (Alternate Take) 
10. Gigi Gryce - Clifford Brown Sextet - I Cover The Waterfront 
11. Gigi Gryce - Clifford Brown Sextet - Goofin With Me 

[quote]In a way, Brown was the Wynton Marsalis of his time; like Marsalis, Brown
came on the jazz scene following a period of significant stylistic change.
However, unlike Marsalis (who rejected the free jazz made famous by the
generation just preceding his own), Brown chose to embrace the innovations of
his immediate elders. In the process, Brown became one of the great
post-Gillespie trumpeters, developing a voice that spoke the language of bebop
with a distinct, personal inflection. In September 1953 having just recorded his
first dates as a leader for Blue Note Brown went to Europe with Lionel Hampton.
While in Paris, Brown recorded a series of sides with mostly French rhythm
sections for the Vogue label, several of which are reissued here. Half the cuts
feature Brown as a featured soloist with a big band comprised of Hamptons
bandmembers and led by alto saxophonist Gigi Gryce. Gryces tunes are solid, but
the date would be unmemorable without Brown, whose flair for spontaneous
invention elevates the banality of the context. The final tracks present Brown
and Gryce in a sextet, and the results are more compelling. Gryces Bird-derived
improvisations are pleasant, and his tunes and arrangements seem to bear up
better when written for a small group. Brown was one of the most technically
accomplished trumpet players jazz had produced to that point, yet his solos
never had that preconceived air that characterized the work of later
chopsmeisters like Marsalis. Brown was an improviser par excellence, and his
work here presents him in fine form. The rhythm section is blandly metronomic,
but thats hardly an issue given Browns consistent excellence. Considering the
fact that his career was so short, this is a valuable document not to be missed.

Clifford Brown



Live album