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Nathan Whitehead - Days Gone Original Soundtrack '2019

Days Gone Original Soundtrack
ArtistNathan Whitehead Related artists
Album name Days Gone Original Soundtrack
Date 2019
Play time 1:05:58
Format / Bitrate Stereo 1420 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Media CD
Size 335 MB
PriceDownload $2.95
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Tracks list

Mondo, in association with Masterworks and Bend Studios, is proud to present
Nathan Whiteheads score to the Playstation game DAYS GONE.

Nathan Whiteheads beautiful, meditative yet occasionally terrifying score to
DAYS GONE is one of our favorite pieces of video game music of 2019. A tragic
slice of Americana, thrilling adventure, mixed with traditional horror elements.
It is equal parts pulse pounding, heartbreaking and horrifying at the same time.

01. Nathan Whitehead - Days Gone (3:41)
02. Nathan Whitehead - The Freakshow (3:35)
03. Nathan Whitehead - Weve All Done Things (3:36)
04. Nathan Whitehead - Rest in Peace (3:07)
05. Nathan Whitehead - Finding Nero (2:59)
06. Nathan Whitehead - The Broken Road (3:23)
07. Nathan Whitehead - The Rager Bear (2:51)
08. Nathan Whitehead - A Good Soldier (2:38)
09. Nathan Whitehead - Lost Lake (2:58)
10. Nathan Whitehead - I Remember (3:19)
11. Nathan Whitehead - Keep Them Safe (3:05)
12. Nathan Whitehead - Riding Nomad (3:23)
13. Nathan Whitehead - Promises and Regrets (3:27)
14. Nathan Whitehead - Youre Safe Now (2:47)
15. Nathan Whitehead - What Did You Do? (2:30)
16. Nathan Whitehead - Drifting Away (2:28)
17. Nathan Whitehead - Sarahs Theme (4:04)
18. Nathan Whitehead - Light One Candle (1:59)
19. Nathan Whitehead - Never Give Up (3:45)
20. Nathan Whitehead - Holy War (3:47)
21. Nathan Whitehead - Why We Fight (2:34)

Nathan Whitehead
