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Bernard Foccroulle - Dieterich Buxtehude: Organ Works '2006

Dieterich Buxtehude: Organ Works
ArtistBernard Foccroulle Related artists
Album name Dieterich Buxtehude: Organ Works
Date 2006
GenreClassical Organ
Play time 05:59:52
Format / Bitrate Stereo 1420 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Media CD
Size 1.51 gb
PriceDownload $8.95
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Tracks list


01. Praeludium In D Dur, BuxWV 139
02. Erhalt Uns, Herr, Bei Deinem Wort, BuxWV 185
03. Praeludium In G Moll, BuxWV 150
04. Kommt Her Zu Mir, Spricht Gottes Sohn, BuxWV 201
05. Praeludium In G Moll, BuxWV 148
06. Jesus Christus, Unser Heiland, BuxWV 198
07. Nun Lob, Mein Seel, Der Herren, BuxWV 215
08. Praeludium In E Moll, BuxWV 143
09. Ach Herr, Mich Armen Sünder, BuxWV 178
10. Praeludium In F Dur, BuxWV 145
11. Komm, Heiliger Geist, Herre Gott, BuxWV 200
12. Ich Dank Dir, Lieber Herre, BuxWV 194
13. Praeludium In D Moll, BuxWV 140
14. Vater Unser Im Himmelreich, BuxWV 219
15. Praeludium In G Moll, BuxWV 149

01. Toccata In F Dur, BuxWV 156
02. Nimm Von Uns, Herrn Du Treuer Gott, BuxWV 207
03. Canzonetta In G Dur, BuxWV 171
04. Nun Freut Euch, Lieben Christen Gmein, BuxWV 210 (Choralfantasie)
05. Praeludium In G Dur, BuxWV 147
06. Wie Schön Leuchtet Der Morgenstern, BuxWV 223
07. Nun Bitten Wir Den Heiligen Geist, BuxWV 208
08. Canzonetta In G Dur, BuxWV 172
09. Ciacona In E Moll, BuxWV 160
10. Von Gott Will Ich Nicht Lassen, BuxWV 220
11. Von Gott Will Nicht Lassen, BuxWV 221
12. Mensch, Willt Du Leben Seliglich, BuxWV 206
13. Praeludium In Fis Moll, BuxWV 146

01. Praeludium In A Moll, BuxWV 153
02. Canzona In D Moll, BuxWV 168
03. Ich Ruf Zu Dir, BuxWV 196
04. Passacaglia In D Moll, BuxWV 161
05. Komm, Heiliger Geist, BuxWV 199
06. Toccata In D Moll, BuxWV 155
07. Gelobet Seist Du, Jesu Christ, BuxWV 188 (Choralfantasie)
08. Durch Adams Fall Ist Ganz Verderbt, BuxWV 183
09. Magnificat Primi Toni, BuxWV 203
10. Ein Feste Burg, BuxWV 184
11. Herr Jesu Christ, Der Einig Gottes Sohn, BuxWV 191
12. Canzona In G Dur, BuxWV 170
13. Es Spricht Der Unweisen Mund Wohl, BuxWV 187
14. Praeludium In C Dur, BuxWV 137

01. Praeludium In A (Quarti Toni), BuxWV 152
02. Canzona In C Dur, BuxWV 166
03. Herr Jesu Christ, Der Einig Gottes Sohn, BuxWV 192
04. Wär Gott Nicht Mit Uns Diese Zeit, BuxWV 222
05. Praeambulum In A Moll, BuxWV 158
06. Ach Gott Und Herr, BuxWV 177
07. Magnificat Primi Toni, BuxWV 204
08. Magnificat Noni Toni, BuxWV 205
09. Es Ist Das Heil Uns Kommen Her, BuxWV 186
10. Nun Lob, Mein Seel, Den Herren, BuxWV 214
11. Praeludium In F Dur, BuxWV 144
12. Christ, Unser Herr, Zu Jordan Kam, BuxWV 180
13. Lobt Gott, Ihr Christen Allzugleich, BuxWV 202
14. Praeludium In C Dur, BuxWV 138
15. Gott Der Vater Wohn Uns Bei, BuxWV 190
16. Nun Bitten Wir Den Heiligen Geist, BuxWV 209
17. Te Deum Laudamus, BuxWV 218

01. Toccata In F Dur, BuxWV 157
02. Nun Komm, Der Heiden Heiland, BuxWV 211
03. Puer Natus In Bethlehem, BuxWV 217
04. In Dulci Jubilo, BuxWV 197
05. Gelobet Seist Du, Jesu Christ, BuxWV 189
06. Der Tag, Der Ist So Freudenreich, BuxWV 182
07. Fuga In B Dur, BuxWV 176
08. Ciacona In C Moll, BuxWV 159
09. Danket Dem Herren, BuxWV 181
10. Praeludium In A Dur, BuxWV 151
11. Herr Jesu Christ, Ich Weiss Gar Wohl, BuxWV 193
12. Wir Danken Dir, Herr Jesu Christ, BuxWV 224
13. Praeludium In E Dur, BuxWV 141
14. Nun Lob, Mein Seel, Den Herren, BuxWV 212
15. Nun Lob, Mein Seel, Den Herren, Bux 213
16. Praeludium In E Moll, BuxWV 142
17. Mit Fried Und Freud Ich Fahr Dahin, BuxWV 76
18. Klag-Lied Muss Der Tod Denn Auch Entbinden, BuxWV 76

What better way to mark the 300th anniversary of Buxtehudes death in 1707 than
with this wonderful box-set? Its 77 tracks reaffirm what a central figure
Buxtehude was to subsequent generations of Northern European organists working
in the German Lutheran tradition.
These recordings (made between 2003 and 2006) are played on two historic
Schnitger instruments in the Ludgerikirche, Norden, and the Martinkerk,
Groningen, two recent organs in Hoogstraten (near Antwerp) and the German
Church, Stockholm, and the reconstructed Lorentz-Frietzsch organ in Helsingors
St Maria Church, parts of which Buxtehude himself played.
The 19 organ praeludia form the core of Buxtehudes organ oeuvre and are
considered his most important contributions to the 17thcentury literature. Their
quasi-improvisatory flair and brilliance always sounds spontaneous, at times
quite extrovert. Foccroulle wisely contrasts them with the much plainer
devotional chorale settings. He teases endlessly fresh solo timbres from these
striking instruments.
The variety of tuning temperaments keeps the ear alert and the playing is
constantly inspiring.
The careful juxtaposition of pieces means that each disc makes a highly
satisfying programme in its own right. By way of an epilogue the set concludes
with the poignant Klag-Lied for organ and vocal duet. Other complete Buxtehude
organ sets have clearly been superseded by this release.

Bernard Foccroulle
