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Grupo Fantasma - El Existential '2010

El Existential
ArtistGrupo Fantasma Related artists
Album name El Existential
Date 2010
Play time 48:32 min
Format / Bitrate Stereo 1420 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Media CD
Size 334 MB
PriceDownload $2.95
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Over the past decade, Grupo Fantasmas done for Latin music locally what George
Clinton did for funk globally: established a standard of excellence with a
relentless assembly line of grooves. Crowned with a Grammy nomination for 2008s
Sonidos Gold, the 10-piece enterprises highly anticipated follow-up and fourth
LP overall intensifies that Mothership Connection, delving into the liquid
psychedelia thats become a hallmark of Grupos mostly instrumental offshoot
Brownout. As such, El Existential is all in the details: the spaghetti Western
guitar break in the Tex-Mex-textured Montañozo, the woozy vocal treatment of
the convulsive El Consejo, and the heavy psych detonation halfway through the
downbeat salsa of Hijo. Aside from more traditional fare, Sacatelo Bailando and
25, the self-recorded and produced El Existential lacks the cohesion of the
groups early work, focusing instead on furthering its genre alchemy, notably in
Cumbianchera and shape-shifter Telaraña, the latter featuring the Meat
Puppets Curt Kirkwood. La Conozco whirls a dancehall carnival of smoke and
mirrors, a delirious haze of keys and washboard guitar peppered by Mark Gonzales
ragtime trombone break, while satyriasis seduction Juan Tenorio begets the Fania
polish of guest pianist Larry Harlow. Soundtrack interlude Reconciliar takes a
cinematic cue from producer/guitarist Adrian Quesadas Ocote Soul Sounds, and
funky closer Araña Cuña conjures vodun incantation. Consider El
Existential another chapter in Grupo Fantasmas new world order. (Grupo Fantasma
blows out Antones Friday, May 7, and Saturday, May 8.)

01. Grupo Fantasma - Realizando (4:17)
02. Grupo Fantasma - La Conozco (4:17)
03. Grupo Fantasma - Sacatelo Bailando (4:07)
04. Grupo Fantasma - El Consejo (4:08)
05. Grupo Fantasma - Hijo (3:35)
06. Grupo Fantasma - Juan Tenorio (5:17)
07. Grupo Fantasma - Montañozo (4:03)
08. Grupo Fantasma - Calor (2:57)
09. Grupo Fantasma - 25 (1:04)
10. Grupo Fantasma - Reconciliar (3:29)
11. Grupo Fantasma - Telaraña (4:07)
12. Grupo Fantasma - Cumbianchera (3:48)
13. Grupo Fantasma - Araña Cuña (3:22)

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