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Jean-Efflam Bavouzet - Debussy: Complete Works for Piano, Volume 1 '2007

Debussy: Complete Works for Piano, Volume 1
ArtistJean-Efflam Bavouzet Related artists
Album name Debussy: Complete Works for Piano, Volume 1
Date 2007
GenreClassical Piano
Play time 01:19:50
Format / Bitrate 24 BIT Stereo 2429 Kbps / 96 kHz
Media WEB
Size 238 mb / 0.98 gb
PriceDownload $8.95
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Tracks list


01. Preludes, Book 1: No. 1: Danseuses de Delphes
02. Preludes, Book 1: No. 2: Voiles
03. Preludes, Book 1: No. 3: Le Vent Dans la Plaine
04. Preludes, Book 1: No. 4: Les Sons Et Les Parfums Tournent Dans Lair Du Soir
05. Preludes, Book 1: No. 5: Les Collines DAnacapri
06. Preludes, Book 1: No. 6: Des Pas Sur la Neige
07. Preludes, Book 1: No. 7: Ce Qua Vu Le Vent Douest
08. Preludes, Book 1: No. 8: La Fille Aux Cheveux de Lin
09. Preludes, Book 1: No. 9: La Serenade Interrompue
10. Preludes, Book 1: No. 10: La Cathedrale Engloutie
11. Preludes, Book 1: No. 11: La Danse de Puck
12. Preludes, Book 1: No. 12: Minstrels
13. Preludes, Book 2: No. 1: Brouillards
14. Preludes, Book 2: No. 2: Feuilles Mortes
15. Preludes, Book 2: No. 3: La Puerta del Vino
16. Preludes, Book 2: No. 4: Les Fees Sont Dexquises Danseuses
17. Preludes, Book 2: No. 5: Bruyeres
18. Preludes, Book 2: No. 6: General Lavine - Eccentric
19. Preludes, Book 2: No. 7: La Terrasse Des Audiences Du Clair de Lune
20. Preludes, Book 2: No. 8: Ondine
21. Preludes, Book 2: No. 9: Hommage a S. Pickwick Esq. P.P.M.P.C
22. Preludes, Book 2: No. 10: Canope
23. Preludes, Book 2: No. 11: Les Tierces Alternees
24. Preludes, Book 2: No. 12: Feux Dartifice
25. Les Soirs Illumines Par Lardeur Du Charbon

Brilliantly played, charismatically interpreted, and superbly recorded,
Jean-Efflam Bavouzets disc coupling both Debussys Books of Préludes has
everything going for it. The last discovery of Georg Solti and protégé
Pierre Boulez, Bavouzet has a huge technique, a variegated tone, and a
commanding personality, and he plays these super virtuoso works without missing
a note. Some might miss the poetry of Les sons et les parfums tournent dans lair
du soir or the sensuality of La fille aux cheveux de lin, or the mystery of
Canope or the whimsy of Hommage à S. Pickwick, Esq. P.P.M.P.C., but no one
could complain that Ce qua vu le vent dOuest isnt breathtaking, La cathédrale
engloutie isnt awe-inspiring, Les fées sont dexquises danseuses isnt
enchanting, and Feux dartifice isnt intoxicating. With the encore of Les soirs
illuminés par lardeur du charbon -- an ephemeral yet effecting work Debussy
wrote for the charcoal dealer who kept him warm in frigid winter of 1916-1917
that came to light only in 2001 -- Bavouzets disc becomes a necessary addition
to any Debussy collection aspiring to completeness. Recorded in 2006 by Ralph
Couzens in Potton Hall in Dunwich, Suffolk, using a Steinway Model D owned by
S.E. Foster, these performances sound fresh and sonorous.

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