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Kathryn Stott - Smetana: Piano Works (includes Dreams, On the Sea Shore, Czech Dances) '2007

Smetana: Piano Works (includes Dreams, On the Sea Shore, Czech Dances)
ArtistKathryn Stott Related artists
Album name Smetana: Piano Works (includes Dreams, On the Sea Shore, Czech Dances)
Date 2007
GenreClassical Piano
Play time 01:08:05
Format / Bitrate 24 BIT Stereo 2429 Kbps / 96 kHz
Media WEB
Size 235 mb / 1.02 gb
PriceDownload $8.95
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Tracks list


01. Dreams (Sny): Faded Happiness [zanikle Stesti]
02. Dreams (Sny): Consolation [Utecha]
03. Dreams (Sny): In Bohemia - A Country Tale [V Cechach: Vesnicky Vyjev]
04. Dreams (Sny): In the Salon [V Salone]
05. Dreams (Sny): By the Castle [Pred Hradem]
06. Dreams (Sny): Celebration of Czech Country Folk [Slavnost Ceskych Venkovanu]
07. The Curious One (Zvedavy)
08. Concert Etude in C Major
09. On the Sea Shore - A Memory (Na Brehu Morskem - Vzpominka)
10. Fantasia on Czech Folksongs (Fantasie Na Ceske Narodni Pisne)
11. Czech Dances, Book I: Polka in F Sharp Minor
12. Czech Dances, Book I: Polka in A Minor
13. Czech Dances, Book II: Hulan

Filling a gap in the nineteenth century piano repertoire that many listeners
would not have suspected was there, this excellent 2006 disc by English pianist
Kathryn Stott of piano music by Bohemian composer Bedrich Smetana admirably
serves its purpose. Opening with the half-hour-long, six-movement cycle Dreams
and closing with several piquant Czech Dances, the program shows Smetana to have
been a composer not only of ethnic creations but of virtuoso piano music in the
Liszt mold as well. While there have been other excellent recordings of these
works before, they have always been by Czech pianists who seemed to have
instinctively grasped the specific rhythmic accent of Smetanas music, and this
recording proves that you dont have to be Czech to play Smetana. Stott clearly
has the big technique to tackle the extreme difficulties of the Concert
Étude in C major and the more extravagantly virtuosic movements of Dreams,
but she also has the sensitivity to handle the sweetness of On the Sea Shore --
a memory and Faded Happiness (from Dreams) and the rhythmic verve to dance
through the Fantasia on Czech Folksongs and the Czech Dances. Produced and
edited by Rachel Smith and engineered by Jonathan Cooper and Paul Quilter, the
sound of this Chandos disc is big, full, and deep. While there are good reasons
for trying Czech pianists recordings of these works, anyone hearing Stotts
recording will be well served.

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