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Jimmy Dean - I.O.U. '1973

ArtistJimmy Dean Related artists
Album name I.O.U.
Date 1973
Play time 36:38
Format / Bitrate 24 BIT Stereo 2429 Kbps / 96 kHz
Media WEB
Size 188; 650 MB
PriceDownload $5.95
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Jimmy Dean is back! trumpeted the trade ads in 1976 when Dean emerged from his
retirement, such as it was, with I.O.U., a sentimental Mothers Day recitation
that unexpectedly became a big crossover hit. The fact was, Dean had fallen off
the charts only a few years earlier because the quality of his music had
steadily declined, so his comeback was not quite the event he and his new label
would have liked the public to believe. Nonetheless, I.O.U. was very successful
and Dean, in tandem with Red Sovine, put the old-fashioned recitation back on
the charts for a while. Dean followed I.O.U. with a second hit, To a Sleeping
Beauty, a re-recording of a spoken word hit that he first recorded for Columbia
in the early 60s. Deans renewed success with his two singles warranted an album,
and I.O.U. is it. The 11-song set mixes songs and recitations, including the two
aforementioned hits, and is bookended by I Gotta Sing My Song for You and its
reprise, in which Dean explains his return to entertaining and adds some closing
remarks. I.O.U. is the best album Dean had made in years, but one caveat is that
recitations have their own audience and I.O.U. has a lot of them. ~ Greg Adams

01 - Jimmy Dean - I Gotta Sing My Song for You (4:19)
02 - Jimmy Dean - Angel in an Apron (2:21)
03 - Jimmy Dean - Frilly Shirt (2:45)
04 - Jimmy Dean - Waking up to Love (3:07)
05 - Jimmy Dean - To a Sleeping Beauty (5:57)
06 - Jimmy Dean - That New Old Fashioned Love (2:13)
07 - Jimmy Dean - This Old House (4:39)
08 - Jimmy Dean - I Didnt Have Time (1:41)
09 - Jimmy Dean - Lets Pick up the Pieces (And Start over Again) (2:37)
10 - Jimmy Dean - I. O. U. (5:59)
11 - Jimmy Dean - I Gotta Sing My Song for You (Reprise) (1:03)