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Jeff Danna - Baby (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) '2000

Baby (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
ArtistJeff Danna Related artists
Album name Baby (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
Date 2000
Play time 00:42:53
Format / Bitrate 24 BIT Stereo 1420 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
Media CD
Size 160; 377 MB
PriceDownload $3.95
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Jeff Danna created the joyous score to the uncommonly exquisite 2000 TV-movie
that starred Farrah Fawcett and Keith Carradine as a rural couple who find an
abandoned baby.

Recognized for scores spanning Resident Evil: Apocalypse, TVs Camelot, and
Disney Pixars The Good Dinosaur, Jeff Danna is a composer from Toronto, Canada.
A hand injury at the age of 21 restricted the performance career of the
professional pianist/guitarist, but he kept his musical endeavors alive with a
transition to soundtrack composing.

 01. Jeff Danna - Baby (01:58)
 02. Jeff Danna - Spring (04:36)
 03. Jeff Danna - Dance (02:39)
 04. Jeff Danna - The Last Ferry (02:55)
 05. Jeff Danna - Dreaming (01:10)
 06. Jeff Danna - Thanksgiving (01:39)
 07. Jeff Danna - Sophie (02:22)
 08. Jeff Danna - Seahorse (01:35)
 09. Jeff Danna - William (01:26)
 10. Jeff Danna - Summers End (01:43)
 11. Jeff Danna - He Was Your Brother (02:08)
 12. Jeff Danna - November Moon / The Letter (05:33)
 13. Jeff Danna - Winter (01:45)
 14. Jeff Danna - First Snowfall (03:16)
 15. Jeff Danna - She Walks In Beauty (02:59)
 16. Jeff Danna - Mares Tails (02:28)
 17. Jeff Danna - The Wise & The Lovely (02:35)

Jeff Danna

