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Wolfgang Sawallisch - Wagner: Tristan und Isolde, WWV 90 '2018

Wagner: Tristan und Isolde, WWV 90
ArtistWolfgang Sawallisch Related artists
Album name Wagner: Tristan und Isolde, WWV 90
Date 2018
GenreKlassiek Opera Volledige operas
Play time 03:50:03
Format / Bitrate 24 BIT Stereo 2429 Kbps / 96 kHz
Media WEB
Size 890.5 MB / 3,84 GB
PriceDownload $8.95
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Tracks list


[11:07] 01. Bayreuther Festspielorchester - Vorspiel
[6:04] 02. Birgit Nilsson - Westwärts schweift der Blick - Entartet
[9:27] 03. Wolfgang Windgassen - Frisch weht der Wind der Heimat zu - Hab acht,
[11:42] 04. Birgit Nilsson - Weh, ach wehe! Dies zu dulden! - Wie lachend sie
mir Lieder singen
[7:46] 05. Birgit Nilsson - Welcher Wahn! Welch eitles Zürnen!
[7:54] 06. Birgit Nilsson - Auf! Auf! Ihr Frauen! - Nun leb wohl, Brangäne!
[14:05] 07. Wolfgang Windgassen - Begehrt, Herrin, was ihr wünscht
[4:44] 08. Wolfgang Windgassen - Mein Herr und Ohm
[6:50] 09. Wolfgang Windgassen - Tristan!... Isolde! - Treuloser Holder!
[1:34] 10. Bayreuther Festspielorchester - Einleitung
[13:54] 11. Birgit Nilsson - Hörst du sie noch? - Dein Werk? O tör ge
[15:54] 12. Wolfgang Windgassen - Isolde! Geliebte! - Tristan! Geliebter!
[4:44] 13. Wolfgang Windgassen - O sink hernieder, Nacht der Liebe
[2:32] 14. Grace Hoffmann - Einsam wachend in der Nacht
[6:05] 15. Wolfgang Windgassen - Lausch, Geliebter!
[7:57] 16. Wolfgang Windgassen - So starben wir, um ungetrennt - O ewge Nacht,
süße Nacht!
[1:57] 17. Wolfgang Windgassen - Rette dich, Tristan!
[11:56] 18. Josef Greindl - Tatest dus wirklich? Wähnst du das?
[4:46] 19. Wolfgang Windgassen - O König, das kann ich dir nicht sagen
[4:02] 20. Wolfgang Windgassen - Als für ein fremdes Land
[7:13] 21. Bayreuther Festspielorchester - Einleitung
[8:13] 22. Wolfgang Windgassen - Kurwenal! He! Sag, Kurwenal! - Die alte Weise;
was weckt sie mich?
[9:49] 23. Wolfgang Windgassen - Hei nun! Wie du kamst?
[11:08] 24. Wolfgang Windgassen - Noch losch das Licht nicht aus
[8:19] 25. Wolfgang Windgassen - Sterbend lag ich stumm im Kahn
[6:11] 26. Wolfgang Windgassen - Wie sie selig, hehr und milde - O Wonne!
[9:01] 27. Wolfgang Windgassen - O diese Sonne! Ha, dieser Tag! - Ich bins, ich
bins, süßester Freund!
[3:42] 28. Josef Greindl - Kurwenal! Hör! Ein zweites Schiff!
[4:26] 29. Josef Greindl - Tot denn alles! Alles tot!
[7:03] 30. Birgit Nilsson - Mild und leise wie er lächelt


3 disc(s) - 30 track(s)
Total length: 03:49:48
Main artist: Wolfgang Sawallisch
Composer: Richard Wagner
Label: Orfeo
Area: Allemagne
Genre: Klassiek Opera Volledige operas
Period: Musique Romantique
Hi-Res 24-Bit 96.0 kHz - Stereo
Digital booklet
(C) 2018 Orfeo (P) 2018 Orfeo

An enemy of fashion and glitz who shunned cocktails and society dinners,
Wolfgang Sawallisch was a humble, retiring man whose life was wholly dedicated
to music and music alone. Behind what might seem like a well-worn cliché of
the honest man, he was surely one of the greatest artists of his generation. An
exceptional pianist, he would sometimes accompany his friend Dietrich
Fischer-Dieskau through memorable nights dedicated to Schuberts great cycles. A
conductor, he knew the whole repertoire by heart, not only working with an
orchestra but also taking to the piano with all the singers. He was a
Kapellmeister in the most elevated sense of the term.
Between 1971 and 1992 he made his hometown’s Munich Opera (Bayerische
Staatsoper) one of the greatest stages in the world, offering performances of an
utterly exceptional standard. The gradual seizure of power by producers would
put an end to a collaboration which had produced so many unforgettable nights.
Sawallisch went on to enjoy a kind of Indian summer as a conductor in his final
years, at the head of the Philadelphia Orchestra, where he encountered huge
First and foremost a performer of Wagner, Wolfgang Sawallisch first made his
mark on Bayreuth in his youth, when, in 1962, he conducted landmark
performances. The archives of the festival are full of recordings which are
slowly being released, whose almost-identical distributions on different dates
have sown confusion. Sawallisch conducted Tristan and Isolde with the legendary
couple Birgit Nilsson/Wolfgang Windgassen several times, for the festivals in
1957, 1958 and 1959, well before the sensational version conducted by Karl
This new release covers the night of 26 July 1958 (so it is not a cover of the
version released by MYTO of the show on 21 August of the same year). The doomed
lovers are given an exceptional treatment under the electrifying baton of a
young Sawallisch. © François Hudry/Qobuz


Wolfgang Sawallisch
