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Henrik Lindstrand - Lego Builders Journey (Extended Version) '2021

Lego Builders Journey (Extended Version)
ArtistHenrik Lindstrand Related artists
Album name Lego Builders Journey (Extended Version)
Date 2021
Play time 00:41:34
Format / Bitrate 24 BIT Stereo 1720 Kbps / 48 kHz
Media WEB
Size 174 / 398 mb
PriceDownload $3.95
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Tracks list


01. Sand Castle
02. Campfire
03. Our House
04. Dad At Work
05. Home Alone
06. Robot Friend
07. Builders Journey
08. Light Brick
09. Gameshow
10. The Factory
11. Kid And Dad (Reunited)
12. Work And Play
13. Flying Home
14. Riding Imagination
15. If Only We Had More Time

Revered Swedish musician and contemporary classical composer Henrik Lindstrand
has today shared the title track from his forthcoming new album; Builders
Journey is out today on One Little Indian Records. The lilting piano driven
track shifts effortlessly through a spectrum of emotion, Lindstrand’s
signature deadened piano sounds cascading forth throughout.

In a past life, Lindstrand topped the Danish charts repeatedly with his
alternative rock band Kashmir, with critically acclaimed records such as the
multi-DMA-winning Zitilities and the Tony Visconti produced No Balance Palace,
which featured collaborations with David Bowie and Lou Reed. Since the group
went on hiatus, Lindstrand has placed his focus on creating emotive compositions
for films and television (Grey Zone, The Exception) as well his previous
self-released solo records Leken and Nattresan.

Talking about the album, Lindstrand explains; At the beginning of 2019, I was
contacted by Lego Games. They were about to make a new game that was supposed to
take Lego games in a new direction. Poetic and artistic, with focus on the
meditative side of building with the bricks. It has this beautiful story about a
son and a dad, with the subtle underlying core message to remember the
importance of playing even as we grow older. With no dialogue or text inside the
game, it was clear that the music and sound design was going to play a big role
in delivering emotional content to the game.

“They had heard my first solo album “Leken” and asked if I was
interested in composing the score for the game. It felt like a great match, and
since I grew up as a Lego building kid myself, it also had a nostalgic element
for me.

“I started developing themes based on the characters and the storyline. We
had a very close collaboration exchanging music and visual content from the very
beginning. The absence of dialogue in the game, made it important to write
themes that could help the narrative and set the tone for each level. It was
challenging as this was my first experience as a game composer. I think my
background as film composer helped when it came to storytelling. It was also
important for me that the music was able to stand alone, not only being a wall
of anonymous background music. I decided to stick to the same set of rules I
have for my solo albums so far; only to use piano/grand piano as sound sources.

“Working on Builder´s Journey has been one of the best creative
processes for me so far. The open-minded spirit at Light Brick (the new internal
Lego studio that made the game) gave a constant flow of ideas back and forth
which also made this a very enjoyable project to work on. I´m really proud of
the game and looking forward to continue working on new projects with Light

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