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Woody Herman - Volume III '1978

Volume III
ArtistWoody Herman Related artists
Album name Volume III
Date 1978
Play time 00:34:28
Format / Bitrate 24 BIT Stereo 2429 Kbps / 96 kHz
Media WEB
Size 658 MB
PriceDownload $5.95
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A fine swing clarinetist, an altoist whose sound was influenced by Johnny
Hodges, a good soprano saxophonist, and a spirited blues vocalist, Woody Hermans
greatest significance to jazz was as the leader of a long line of big bands. He
always encouraged young talent and more than practically any bandleader from the
swing era, kept his repertoire quite modern. Although Herman was always stuck
performing a few of his older hits (he played Four Brothers and Early Autumn
nightly for nearly 40 years), he much preferred to play and create new music.

1 01. Woody Herman - Wildroot (03:16)
1 02. Woody Herman - Prelude Ala Cha Cha (04:01)
1 03. Woody Herman - The Good Earth (02:38)
1 04. Woody Herman - Love Song Ballad (04:06)
1 05. Woody Herman - Its Coolin Time (04:15)
1 06. Woody Herman - Black Orchid (02:31)
1 07. Woody Herman - Original #2 (03:06)
1 08. Woody Herman - Sinbad The Sailor (04:00)
1 09. Woody Herman - Bamba Samba (03:16)
1 10. Woody Herman - Fire Island (03:15)

Woody Herman



Live album