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Steep Canyon Rangers - RADIO '2015

ArtistSteep Canyon Rangers Related artists
Album name RADIO
Date 2015
Play time 00:44:22
Format / Bitrate 24 BIT Stereo 2820 Kbps / 82.2 kHz
Media WEB
Size 107 / 932 mb
PriceDownload $7.95
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Tracks list


01. Radio
02. Diamonds In The Dust
03. Simple Is Me
04. Blow Me Away
05. Blue Velvet Rain
06. Looking Glass
07. Down That Road Again
08. Break
09. Wasted
10. Long Summer
11. When The Well Runs Dry
12. Monumental Fool

The Steep Canyon Rangers have spent much of their career walking a fine line
between traditional bluegrass and acoustic music with a strong contemporary pop
and country influence, and theyve blurred the lines between the two sides of
their musical personality more than ever before on 2015s Radio. One of the key
differences on Radio is the addition of a sixth Ranger, percussionist Mike
Ashworth, and even though his kit primarily consists of just a box played with
brushes, his steady pulse subtly but clearly points to the melodic hooks in
numbers like Simple Is Me, Blow Me Away, Long Summer, and the title tune, and
without having to plug into an amp, the Rangers set themselves apart from
bluegrass acts who prefer to pretend its still the early 50s. At the same time,
these musicians are remarkably skilled, both as individuals and as an ensemble,
and when they do dig into their bluegrass roots, they do so with a clear love
and respect for the form, and with Blue Velvet Rain, Looking Glass, and When the
Well Runs Dry they show just how fresh they can sound while working within a
tried-and-true framework. Its a thrill to hear a band this good playing
together, and Ashworth, Mike Guggino (mandolin), Charles R. Humphrey III (bass),
Woody Platt (guitar), Nicky Sanders (fiddle), and Graham Sharp (banjo) are as
gifted as any young band in bluegrass, with each member earning his stripes when
stepping up for a solo, and coming together with outstanding ensemble work and
spot-on harmonies. Produced by Jerry Douglas, who captures the groups musical
interplay beautifully and contributes some fine Dobro work as well, Radio is an
outstanding album from one of the most exciting new bands in bluegrass, and if
you know them best for their work with a certain talented banjo-playing comedian
and actor, you owe it to yourself to find out how much they can do on their own.

Steep Canyon Rangers
