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Brand X - Manifest Destiny: Trilogy I '1997/2005

Manifest Destiny: Trilogy I
ArtistBrand X Related artists
Album name Manifest Destiny: Trilogy I
Date 1997/2005
Play time 51:10
Format / Bitrate Stereo 1420 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Media CD
Size 117 mb / 333 mb
PriceDownload $2.95
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Tracks list

 The first Brand X release after an extended layoff, 1997s Manifest Destiny
only proves that the layoff was not, in fact, extended enough. Only guitarist
John Goodsall and keyboardist and bassist Percy Jones remain from the classic
70s lineup of the Unorthodox Behaviour/Moroccan Roll days, and the invention and
wit of those early days is little in evidence here. Goodsall in particular seems
to have acquired a taste for bloated showboating and irritating hammer-on solos
that go nowhere at lightning-fast speed. (The one exception is the brief Five
Drops, which features some really good acoustic work by Goodsall.) There are a
few interesting musical ideas here, but theyre stretched too thin through
tiresome repetition, and David Hentschels overly antiseptic production squeezes
dry whatever life the songs manage to generate. Manifest Destiny is a poor
return for a band who at one time was the hottest and most musically intriguing
jazz fusion group in Great Britain. 

1 True To The Clik 
2 Stellerator 
3 Virus 
4 XXL 
5 The Worst Man 
6 Manifest Destiny 
7 Five Drops 
8 Drum Ddu 
9 Operation Hearts And Minds 
10 Mr. Bubble Goes To Hollywood


 John Goodsall – guitar, rhythm guitar, MIDI guitar, narrator, orchestra,
organ, sampling, sitar, synthesizer, tubular bells, wah wah guitar
 Percy Jones – fretless bass, keyboards, sequencing, sound effects,
special effects, wah wah bass
 Pierre Moerlen – drums (on hidden live tracks)
 Franz Pusch – bass, fender rhodes, keyboards, percussion, programming,
sampling, sequencing, sound effects, synthesizer, vocals
 Marc Wagnon – bass, MIDI vibes, synthesizer, vibraphone
 Frank Katz – drums, sampling, vocals
 Danny Wilding – flute

Additional personnel

 Ronnie Ciago – on Track 3 Virus, rainstick, shaker, tamtam, udu

Brand X




Live album