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Claudio Colombo - The Fitzwilliam Virginal Book: 297 Pieces for Keyboard, Vol. 1 (Nos. 1 - 60) '2020

The Fitzwilliam Virginal Book: 297 Pieces for Keyboard, Vol. 1 (Nos. 1 - 60)
ArtistClaudio Colombo Related artists
Album name The Fitzwilliam Virginal Book: 297 Pieces for Keyboard, Vol. 1 (Nos. 1 - 60)
Date 2020
GenreClassical Piano
Play time 03:55:09
Format / Bitrate Stereo 1420 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Media CD
Size 1.3 gb
PriceDownload $8.95
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Tracks list

01. Walsingham, Fvb 1
02. Fantasia, Fvb 2
03. Fantasia Faire Wether, Fvb 3
04. Pavana, Fvb 4
05. Variatio, Fvb 5
06. Galiarda, Fvb 6
07. Variation, Fvb 7
08. Fantasia, Fvb 8
09. Goe from My Window, Fvb 9
10. Jhon Come Kisse Me Now, Fvb 10
11. Galliarda to My Lord Lumleys Paven, Fvb 11
12. Nancie, Fvb 12
13. Pavana, Fvb 13
14. Almand, Fvb 14
15. Robin, Fvb 15
16. Pavana, Fvb 16
17. Galiarda, Fvb 17
18. Barafostus Dreame, Fvb 18
19. Muscadin, Fvb 19
20. Alman, Fvb 20
21. Galiarda, Fvb 21
22. Praeludium, Fvb 22
23. Praeludium, Fvb 23
24. Praeludium, Fvb 24
25. Praeludium, Fvb 25
26. The Irishe Ho-Hoane, Fvb 26
27. Pavane, Fvb 27
28. Variatio, Fvb 28
29. Galiarda, Fvb 29
30. Variatio, Fvb 30
31. The Quadran Pavan, Fvb 31
32. Variation of the Quadran Pavan, Fvb 32
33. Galiard to the Quadran Pavan, Fvb 33
34. Pavana, Fvb 34
35. Galiard to the Pavan, Fvb 35
36. Saint Thomas Wake, Fvb 36
37. In Nomine, Fvb 37
38. Fantasia, Fvb 38
39. Pavana, Fvb 39
40. The Woods so Wilde, Fvb 40
41. Pavana of My Lord Lumley, Fvb 41
42. Goe from My Window, Fvb 42
43. Praeludium, Fvb 43
44. Gloria Tibi Trinitas, Fvb 44
45. Salvator Mundi, Fvb 45
46. Galliarda, Fvb 46
47. Variatio, Fvb 47
48. Galiarda, Fvb 48
49. Praeludium, Fvb 49
50. In Nomine, Fvb 50
51. Ut, Re, Mi, Fa, Sol, La, Fvb 51
52. Fantasia, Fvb 52
53. The Kings Hunt, Fvb 53
54. Spagnioletta, Fvb 54
55. For Two Virginals, Fvb 55
56. Passamezzo Pavana, Fvb 56
57. Galiardas Passamezzo, Fvb 57
58. The Carmans Whistle, Fvb 58
59. The Hunts Up, Fvb 59
60. Tregians Ground, Fvb 60