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Aldo Romano - Mélodies en noir & blanc '2017

Mélodies en noir & blanc
ArtistAldo Romano Related artists
Album name Mélodies en noir & blanc
Date 2017
Play time 39:46
Format / Bitrate Stereo 1420 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Media CD
Size 244 mb / 101 Mb
PriceDownload $1.95
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Tracks list


1. Lontano 4:26
2. Rosario 3:20
3. L.A. 58 4:07
4. Song For Ellis 4:26
5. Webb 3:17
6. On Johns Guitar 4:57
7. Favela 2:20
8. Dreams And Waters 5:31
9. Inner Smile 3:18
10. Il Voyage En Solitaire 4:11

Contrabass – Michel Benita
Drums, Liner Notes – Aldo Romano
Piano – Dino Rubino