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Dave Pike - Manhattan Latin '1964

Manhattan Latin
ArtistDave Pike Related artists
Album name Manhattan Latin
Date 1964
Play time 39:38
Format / Bitrate Stereo 1420 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Media CD
Size 103 MB(+3\%)
PriceDownload $0.95
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Tracks list


01. Baby (2:49)
02. Que Mal Es Querer (3:18)
03. Not a Tear (4:02)
04. Mambo Dinero (2:40)
05. Montuno Orita (3:23)
06. Aphrodite (3:16)
07. La Playa (3:06)
08. Latin Blues (2:56)
09. South Seas (2:39)
10. Sandunga (2:42)
11. Dream Garden (3:25)
12. Vikki (5:26)

Manhattan Latin captures Dave Pike in flux between the straight-ahead approach
of his earlier sessions and the psychedelic pop-jazz of his efforts for MPS: a
playful yet methodical immersion into pure, sunkissed groove, its artful
assimilation of global rhythms and textures anticipates the direction of Pikes
most memorable work. Recorded with an impressive lineup including flautist
Hubert Laws, drummer Willie Bobo and then-unknown pianist Chick Corea, the album
largely eschews familiar Latin standards in favor of Pike originals. Whats
impressive is that the end result seems completely organic, living up to the
albums title in terms of both sophistication and flavor. Phenomenal cover,
too.~Jason Ankeny