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Chuck Mangione - The Feelings Back '1999

The Feelings Back
ArtistChuck Mangione Related artists
Album name The Feelings Back
Date 1999
Play time 57:02
Format / Bitrate Stereo 1420 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Media CD
Size 341 MB(+3\%)
PriceDownload $2.95
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Tracks list


01. Mountain Flight (4:51)
02. Consuelos Love Theme (7:40)
03. Leonardos Lady (6:36)
04. Fotografia (6:05)
05. Quase (3:35)
06. Aldovio (5:06)
07. Once Upon A Love Time (6:00)
08. Manha De Carnaval (8:25)
09. Maracangalha (3:52)
10. La Vie En Rose (4:52)

personnel : 

Chuck Mangione - flugelhorn
Cliff Korman - piano, keyboards
Jay Azzolina - guitar
Paulo Braga - drums
Cafe - percussion
David Finck - acoustic and electric bass on track 1
Kip Reid - electric bass on tracks 3, 7
Sarah Carter - cello
Gerry Niewood - flute, alto flute
Maucha Adnet - vocals
Jackie Presti - vocals
Annette Sanders - vocals

Chuck Mangione



Live album