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George Jones - Church Street Station Presents: George Jones (Live In Concert) '2021

Church Street Station Presents: George Jones (Live In Concert)
ArtistGeorge Jones Related artists
Album name Church Street Station Presents: George Jones (Live In Concert)
Date 2021
Play time 22:50
Format / Bitrate Stereo 1420 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Media CD
Size 166 MB
PriceDownload $1.95
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Tracks list

 1. He Stopped Loving Her Today (Live) (3:23)
 2. Whos Gonna Chop My Babys Kindlin (When Im Gone) (Live) (1:14)
 3. Chicken Reel (Live) (1:18)
 4. No Show Jones (Live) (2:25)
 5. Shes My Rock (Live) (2:34)
 6. The One I Loved Back Then (The Corvette Song) (Live) (2:12)
 7. The Race Is On (Live) (2:27)
 8. Bartender Blues (Live) (4:04)
 9. Whos Gonna Fill Their Shoes (Live) (3:09)

George Jones



Live album