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Khan Jamal - Dont Take No! 'December 7, 1982 - 1989

Dont Take No!
ArtistKhan Jamal Related artists
Album name Dont Take No!
Date December 7, 1982 - 1989
Play time 01:09:05
Format / Bitrate Stereo 1420 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Media CD
Size 158 MB
PriceDownload $1.95
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Tracks list


01. Dont Take No! 
02. Scandanavian Dawn 
03. Peaceful Warrior 
04. One for Hamp 
05. Three for All 
06. Hip Out ( 
07. Body and Soul 
08. Nubian Queen 
09. Lovely Afternoon 
10. The Angry Young Man 


Khan Jamal - vibraphone, KAT midi percussion synthesizer (#1-2)
Mark Kramer - piano, synthesizer
Monnette Sudler - guitar
Warren Oree - bass
Dwight James - drums
Recorded at Morning Star Communications, Ambler, PA in 1989.

Khan Jamal - vibraphone, marimba
Byard Lancaster - alto saxophone, flutes
Bernard Sammul - piano
Reggie Curry - bass
Dwight James - trap drums
Omar Hill - African percussion, conga
Recorded on December 7, 1982.

Khan Jamal
