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Quartz - Hall Of Mirrors '2018

Hall Of Mirrors
ArtistQuartz Related artists
Album name Hall Of Mirrors
Date 2018
GenreDrum & Bass
Play time 00:32:51
Format / Bitrate Stereo 1420 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Media CD
Size 229,93 MB
PriceDownload $1.95
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Tracks list


[5:50] 1. Quartz - Hall Of Mirrors
[5:15] 2. Quartz & Survey - End Title
[5:53] 3. Quartz & Gremlinz - Oblong Druid
[4:34] 4. Quartz - Tunnel Vision
[6:07] 5. Quartz - Ghastly
[5:14] 6. Quartz - Goodbye (Alone Inside)

Having cut his teeth on IM:LTD, Warm and DSCI4 it was only a matter of time
before the ice slab bruises and shards of Quartz crashed down on the Headz
mothership. And man do they hit hard. Six tracks in total (with two collabs with
Survey and Gremlinz) every cut strikes the soul... The pulsating electrical
current of Hall Of Mirrors, the vicious halftime data spikes and caustic code
cascades of Oblong Druid (with Gremlinz) and the grumbling, rumbling dungeon
echoes of Ghastly are just three of the many highlights here.



Live album