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Fred Frith - All Is Always Now (Live) '2019

All Is Always Now (Live)
ArtistFred Frith Related artists
Album name All Is Always Now (Live)
Date 2019
Play time 03:18:38
Format / Bitrate 24 BIT Stereo 1420 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
Media CD
Size 945 MB / 1.87 GB
PriceDownload $8.95
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Tracks list


1. Another Ship Moves In (Live)
2. Identity Crisis (Live)
3. A Complicated Path (Live)
4. Strife and Soil (Live)
5. Limited Strike (Live)
6. Silver Lining (Live)
7. Slipping (Live)
8. World of Grief and Doubt (Live)

1. Concussion Suit (Live)
2. From the Backstretch (Live)
3. Shrug at Truth (Live)
4. Reasons to Dream (Live)
5. What Gets Left Behind (Live)
6. Like Animals (Live)
7. A Measure of Solace (Live)

1. Deter and Degrade (Live)
2. Of Finest Silver (Live)
3. Veils (Live)
4. Held Again (Live)
5. Flare (Live)
6. Hero of the Space Age (Live)
7. Devoted to a Failed Approach (Live)
8. Evidence (Live)