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Joseph Tawadros - Truth Seekers, Lovers and Warriors '2015

Truth Seekers, Lovers and Warriors
ArtistJoseph Tawadros Related artists
Album name Truth Seekers, Lovers and Warriors
Date 2015
Play time 70:12
Format / Bitrate Stereo 1420 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Media CD
Size 142 MB
PriceDownload $1.95
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Tracks list


1. Odd Tango
2. Broken Wing
Truth Seeker Suite in A
3. I. Truth Seeker
4. II. Lover
5. III. Warrior
6. Strange Times
7. Afterthoughts
Three Sketches of Gallipoli
8. I. Dawn
9. II. Dusk
10. III. Remembrance
11. Shadow Dance
12. Dream with Me
13. All is Well
14. Gem
15. You Take Over
16. House of Tomorrow
One Note Nostalgia
17. I. Creation
18. II. The Storm
19. III. Anxious Memory
20. Cat and Mouse



Joseph Tawadros
