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Tia Fuller - Diamond Cut '2018

Diamond Cut
ArtistTia Fuller Related artists
Album name Diamond Cut
Date 2018
Play time 63:44
Format / Bitrate 24 BIT Stereo 2820 Kbps / 82.2 kHz
Media WEB
Size 152 / 365 MB / 1.21 GB
PriceDownload $9.95
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Tracks list


1. In the Trenches (6:17)
2. Save Your Love For Me (5:37)
3. I Love You (6:21)
4. Queen Intuition (5:58)
5. Joe’n Around (4:13)
6. Crowns of Grey (5:53)
7. The Coming (6:56)
8. Soul Eyes (5:39)
9. Delight (5:00)
10. Fury of Da’Mond (3:58)
11. Tears of Santa Barbara (4:22)
12. Joe’n Around (alternate take) (3:07) 

Tia Fuller
