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John Paesano - The Star (Original Motion Picture Score) '2018

The Star (Original Motion Picture Score)
ArtistJohn Paesano Related artists
Album name The Star (Original Motion Picture Score)
Date 2018
Play time 45:18 min
Format / Bitrate Stereo 1420 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Media CD
Size 104 MB
PriceDownload $0.95
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Tracks list


1. Main Title
2. Royal Dreams
3. Mary and Joseph
4. Escape of the Flying Donkey
5. Nice to Meet You
6. Time to Earn Your Keep
7. My Name Is Bo
8. Joseph vs. Donkey
9. Mary Goes to Bethlehem
10. Where is Your Owner
11. Gifts from the Magi
12. Bo Meets Ruth
13. We’ve Got Trouble
14. Good for Nothing Donkey
15. Finding the Caravan
16. Baby is Coming
17. Operation Rescue Bo
18. Prayers From a Donkey
19. We Have Backup
20. Message From God
21. Saving the Night
22. The Flock Is Growing