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Dusko Goykovich - Belgrade Blues '14 February, 1961 -- 19 May, 1966

Belgrade Blues
ArtistDusko Goykovich Related artists
Album name Belgrade Blues
Date 14 February, 1961 -- 19 May, 1966
Play time 44:56
Format / Bitrate Stereo 1420 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Media CD
Size 106 MB
PriceDownload $0.95
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Tracks list


01. La Campimania 
02. You’re Too Beautiful 
03. Lullaby of the Leaves 
04. Doo-Doosh 
05. Mr. X 
06. That’s All 
07. Belgrade Blues 
08. Wee 
09. It’s the Talk of the Town 
10. Be My Love 


Dusko Goykovich - Trumpet, Flugelhorn;
Francy Boland (tracks: 1 to 6), Nat Pierce (tracks: 7 to 10) - Piano;
Karl Drewo (tracks: 1 to 6), Sal Nistico (tracks: 7 to 10) - Tenor Saxophone;
Derek Humble (tracks: 1 to 6) - Alto Saxophone;
Bubi Aderhold (tracks: 1 to 6) - Baritone Saxophone;
Heinz Kretzschmar (tracks: 1 to 6) - Bass Clarinet;
Carl Fontana (tracks: 7 to 10) - Trombone;
Jean Warland (tracks: 1 to 6) - Double Bass;
Mike Moore (tracks: 7 to 10) - Bass;
Kenny Clarke (tracks: 1 to 6), Ronnie Zito (tracks: 7 to 10) - Drums.