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Wayne Wallace - ¡Bien Bien! '2009

¡Bien Bien!
ArtistWayne Wallace Related artists
Album name ¡Bien Bien!
Date 2009
Play time 55:22
Format / Bitrate Stereo 1420 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Media CD
Size 369 MB
PriceDownload $2.95
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Tracks list


01. Bien Bien 
02. Freedom Jazz Dance 
03. Mojito Cafe 
04. Building Bridges 
05. In A Sentimental Mood 
06. Playa Negra 
07. Going Up! 
08. Solid 
09. Africa


Wayne Wallace - arranger, trombone, vocals;
Murray Low - piano, vocals;
Michael Spiro - percussion, vocals;
David Belove - bass, vocals;
Paul van Wageningen - trap drums, vocals;
Julian Priester - trombone (#4, 7);
Dave Martell - trombone (#4, 7);
Kenny Washington - English vocals (#2);
Orlando Torriente - Spanish vocals (#2);
Karen Aczon, David Chaidez, Alexa Weber Morales, Jody Noble, Sakai, Ron
Stallings, Sheryl Lynn Thomas - coro (#2).

Wayne Wallace
