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Jun Miyake - Lost Memory Theatre: Act-2 '2015

Lost Memory Theatre: Act-2
ArtistJun Miyake Related artists
Album name Lost Memory Theatre: Act-2
Date 2015
Play time 59:44
Format / Bitrate 24 BIT Stereo 1420 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
Media WEB
Size 338 MB
PriceDownload $2.95
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Tracks list


01. The Locked Room (2:50)
02. Echoes in the Mirror (3:53)
03. Veins (2:34)
04. Eden-4 (5:18)
05. Easy to let go (1:53)
06. Effacing Sketch (1:39)
07. Merry Widow (5:41)
08. Integral Silence (4:15)
09. Que Sera Sera (misic by Jay Livingstone) (3:39)
10. Membrane (3:30)
11. Summoning Rhymes (4:16)
12. Forebodings (0:56)
13. Flutter (4:57)
14. Traces (1:21)
15. Like a Dervish (1:45)
16. Eden-3 (3:42)
17. The Unspoken (4:43)
18. Across the Ice (2:52)