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John Fahey - The Yellow Princess '2006

The Yellow Princess
ArtistJohn Fahey Related artists
Album name The Yellow Princess
Date 2006
Play time 1:06:06
Format / Bitrate Stereo 1420 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Media CD
Size 455 MB
PriceDownload $3.95
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Tracks list


01. The Yellow Princess (4:53)
02. View (East From the Top of the Riggs Road/B & O Trestle) (4:57)
03. Lion (5:10)
04. March! For Martin Luther King (3:43)
05. The Singing Bridge of Memphis, Tennessee (2:53)
06. Dance of the Inhabitants of the Invisible City of Bladensburg (4:10)
07. Charles A. Lee: In Memoriam (4:02)
08. Irish Setter (7:17)
09. Commemorative Transfiguration and Communion at Magruder Park (6:01)
10. The John Fahey Sampler, Themes and Variations (8:44)
11. Fare Forward Voyagers, 1965 (4:54)
12. Steel Guitar Medley (9:23)

John Fahey

