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Celtic Social Club, The - Celtic Social Club '2014

Celtic Social Club
ArtistCeltic Social Club, The Related artists
Album name Celtic Social Club
Date 2014
Play time 40:08
Format / Bitrate Stereo 1420 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Media CD
Size 270 MB
PriceDownload $2.95
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The Celtic Social Club is a musical band formed in 2013 and led by Manu Masko.
The band is formed by a group of Bretons and Scots musicians, members of The
Silencers, Red Cardell and Ronan Le Bars Group with guests related to the world
Celtic, inspired by their elders of the Buena Vista Social Club and the New
Orleans Social Club which aims to popularise Celtic music by opening it to
current music.
The music of The Celtic Social Club is a contemporary adaptation of traditional
Celtic tunes performed by a group of seven musicians and guests chosen for their
diverse backgrounds such as Rock, Folk, Blues, Reggae or Hip Hop.
Seduced by the idea, several actors (a festival, a concert hall, a booking
agency and a record label) have joined together to produce an album and a show
that is the new creation of the Vieilles Charrues Festival (Old Ploughs
Festival), the largest music festival in France, for its 2014 edition .

01. The Celtic Social Club - Celtic Social Club (3:13)
02. The Celtic Social Club - Loudeac (3:30)
03. The Celtic Social Club - My Blessed Boy (4:01)
04. The Celtic Social Club - Princess of Lorient (Intro) (1:24)
05. The Celtic Social Club - Princess of Lorient (4:08)
06. The Celtic Social Club - Carolans Party (3:36)
07. The Celtic Social Club - A Song of the Islands (4:37)
08. The Celtic Social Club - Kroas Hent (3:13)
09. The Celtic Social Club - Rose in the Heather (4:15)
10. The Celtic Social Club - Time to Love (3:57)
11. The Celtic Social Club - Ar Martelod Farw (0:40)
12. The Celtic Social Club - Goadec in da Club (3:33)

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