Henri Texier - Chance '2020
Artist | Henri Texier Related artists |
Album name | Chance |
Country | |
Date | 2020 |
Genre | Jazz |
Play time | 54:02 |
Format / Bitrate | 24 BIT Stereo 2429 Kbps / 96 kHz |
Media | WEB |
Size | 124 / 351 MB / 1.16 GB |
Price | Download $9.95 |
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Pre-order albumTracks list
Tracklist: 1. Cinecitta (6:52) 2. Jungle Jig (8:26) 3. Simone et Robert - Pour Simone Veil et Robert Badinter (6:14) 4. Pina B. - Pour Pina Bausch (7:00) 5. Laniakea (8:21) 6. Le même fleuve (8:31) 7. Standing Horse (1:51) 8. Chance (6:50)
Related artists
Henri Texier
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- 2022 Heteroklite Lockdown
- 2020 Chance
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- 2018 Sand Woman [2]
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- 2016 Sky Dancers
- 2016 Dakota Mab (live At Theater Gutersloh) (European Jazz Legends, Vol. 5)
- 2015 L'integrale Les Annees Jms (2CD)
- 2013 At l'improviste
- 2011 Canto Negro
- 2008 Love Songs Reflexions
- 2008 Blue Wind Story [2]
- 2004 Strada Sextet
- 2004 (v)ivre
- 2004 Holy Lola (Bande Originale Du Film)
- 2002 Strings' Spirit (2CD)
- 2000 Remparts D'argile (feat. Tony Rabeson & Sebastien Texier)
- 1998 Mosaic Man
- 1997 Respect
- 1996 Amir
- 1995 Mad Nomad(s)
- 1993 An Indian's Week
- 1989 Colonel Skopje
- 1988 Izlaz / Colonel Skopje (2CD)
- 1986 Batignolles (feat. Joe Lovano) (live)
- 1983 La Companera
- 1979 A Cordes Et A Cris
- 1977 Varech
- 1975 Amir