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Eddi Reader - Peacetime '2020

ArtistEddi Reader Related artists
Album name Peacetime
Date 2020
Play time 52:33
Format / Bitrate Stereo 1420 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Media CD
Size 314/126 MB
PriceDownload $1.95
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Tracks list

 1. Barons Heir + Sadenias Air (4:26)
 2. Muddy Water (3:34)
 3. Mary And The Soldier (3:36)
 4. Aye Waukin-O (4:03)
 5. Prisons (2:38)
 6. The Shepherds Song (3:36)
 7. Ye Banks And Braes OBonnie Doon (3:35)
 8. Should I Pray? (3:17)
 9. The Afton (4:37)
10. Leezie Lindsay (4:46)
11. Safe As Houses (3:52)
12. Galileo (Someone Like You) (3:10)
13. Peacetime (4:21)
14. The Calton Weaver Or Nancy Whisky (3:02)

Eddi Reader
